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As part of annual strategic planning, assessment is the business, the process of determining the estimated market value of a company. This is a valuable tool for entrepreneurs, investors and owners of stocks. Business Need Assessment Agreements for a variety of purposes such as buying / selling, mergers and acquisitions, estate planning, bankruptcy and pension plans.
1st Because the business valuation important?
> Business Valuation is very important because it is business owners like the heart of a purchase agreement between raised. It 'important to not only sell to holders of a company for a preparation, but also for many economic and legal situation, the need for detailed assessment.
Business valuation is made for the purchase or sale of shares to employees, planning gifts to heirs, retired and sold to other family members, providing adequate key man Insurance coverage and to provide a basis for compensating key management unfamiliar.
2nd What are the different methods of company valuation?
There are several methods to determine the market value of a company. Business valuation methods are classified as market-based methods, income-based methods, methods based on active and hybrid. You can choose the method you need depends on the particular valuation date.
3rd What are the reasons for conducting> Business evaluation?
assessment of enterprises is carried out to assess the tax and transfer of ownership. It 'also need to finance or insurance.
4th What are the factors to develop methods of assessment in a business?
Operating results, the availability of goods, the nature of business, the company history from its foundation the company's goodwill and other intangible assets, the economic outlook in general,View the specific area, the book value of stocks, and the company's financial situation are factors discussed some of the assessment will be considered during a business trip.
5th How much business services assessment?
The cost of assessment services business is essential for the size and complexity of the company evaluated. Other factors such as cash flow business, age of society, the participation of the ownerIncome, availability of financing and viability of suppliers on costs. In general, the cost of business valuation services ranging from a minimum of $ 1,500 to thousands of dollars.
The first step in any valuation is to analyze the business, its assets, history and market. So, its critical to ensure all of your information is accurate and complete. There are four basic business valuation methods:
ตอบลบAsset Based Valuation;
Market Based Valuation;
Earnings Based Valuation;
Cash-Flow Based Valuation